Registered users will receive my CompuServe id, phone number, information on how they may receive a finders fee, and a mail notification of new software available. For continued use and software support, you must register. To become a registered user of this product send the following information and fees to: Software Engineering and Fabrication E 408 Silver Pines Colbert, WA 99005-9606 Your Name:____________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________ Product Name: ______TLCPak_______Ver 1.0________________________ Disk Type: 360K __ 720K __ 1.2M __ 1.44M__ Where did you find this program? Name of BBS _______ or Disk Vendor __________ or Friend(Y/N) __ Number of Network terminals:__________ Recommended Improvements:___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Registration Fee 10.00 Network Terminals * 1.00 _____ Documentation ($5.00) _____ Upgrade ($10.00) _____ State Tax _____ (Washington state residents ) _______________ Total Other products by Software Engineering and Fabrication: TLCFind is a windows (3.0 standard or enhanced) program which may be used to find a file on any directory by file name or text contents. The text search may use logical Ands and/or Ors. The files found in the search have their names stored in a list box. The text of any of the files in the list box can be read and/or searched. Same registration fee schedule as TLCPak.